Treatable Conditions
Alternative Consultancy offers treatment, using the multiresonance and bioresonance therapy method, for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Here are some of the most common and successfully treatable conditions:
Addictions (smoking, alcohol and drugs)
Stress and chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression
Musculoskeletal problems (back pain and sciatica, muscle strains, sport injuries, frozen shoulder syndrome and arthritic pain)
Allergies (food intolerance, hay fever and skin conditions)
Recurrent viral or bacterial infections
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
High blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions
Diabetes, insulin and non-insulin dependent types
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract including irritable bowel syndrome, liver dysfunction
Urinary tract problem and gynecological conditions
Dysfunction of endocrinological system and weight problems
If you have a condition that is not on this list, we may well be able to treat it; please contact us for more information.
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